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Date: December 14, 2023

The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) announces the development and release of posters on the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH), retaliation, bullying, hazing, coercion, stalking, and other prohibited behaviors in the U.S. Merchant Marine. The posters encourage bystander intervention and provide guidance for a practical approach for the varied audiences within the maritime industry.

The SOCP Achieving a Respectful Onboard Culture (AROC) Technical Team, with industry input, developed these posters under a cooperative agreement with the Maritime Administration (MARAD) to support Every Mariner Builds a Respectful Culture (EMBARC) standards and address issues affecting the shipboard climate in the U.S. maritime industry.

The SASH prevention posters cover fifteen different topics, some of which include the following themes: All Reports Investigated, Dos and Don’ts, Leadership Culture, Responsibility, Shore Leave, and more. SOCP encourages companies to post these onboard their vessels and in shoreside facilities.

The posters are available to download at no cost by visiting the SOCP SASH Prevention products web page at SOCP encourages organizations to share this link on their websites for maximum exposure and distribution of these helpful SASH prevention products.

The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) is a non-profit organization of maritime industry professionals working together to improve the safety, productivity, efficiency, security, and environmental performance of U.S. vessel operations. SOCP collaborated with its members, which include U.S. ship owners and operators, maritime unions, academies, training institutions, government agencies, and others, to solicit recommendations on the content of the best practices for the U.S. Merchant Marine industry. SOCP’s maritime industry expertise contributed toward creating these SASH prevention posters for the U.S. Merchant Marine.

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SOCP will be building on thirty years of collaboration and innovation experience to explore and discuss new and upcoming innovative technologies affecting vessel operations, including how these will impact, positively or negatively, mariners and mariner availability and inform decision making by both the industry and the regulators.


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Day One (October 16)

Safety and Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions

Moderator: Cole Cosgrove – Vice President, Marine Management, Crowley

Panelist: SafeMTS Update – Todd Ripley, MARAD

Panelist: Cybersecurity with New Technology – Baha Inozu, Sharp Focus, Inc.

Panelist: Company Security Officer Meeting Recap – Christopher Owsianiecki, MARAD

Panelist: Lithium Ion Battery – Eddie Murphy, Program Analyst, Emergency Response Liaison at Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)

Expand Performance & Retention = Boost Your Bottom Line!

Co-Moderator: Workforce Initiatives and Updates – Sarah Scherer, VP Transportation Institute

Co-Moderator: Boot Camp – John Stauffer, President, Maritime Institute

Panelist: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Jenny Johnson, Maritime Inclusion Partners

Panelist: Retention Strategies Around Mental Health – Allison Clonch, Researcher, University of Washington

Unique Consequences and Impacts of Environmental Regulations

Moderator: Jan Hagen Anderson, Business Development Director, DNV

Panelist: Electrification – David Lee, ABB (invited)

Panelist: Maritime Environmental and Technical Assistance – Galen Hon, MARAD

Panelist: Current Environmental Issues – NOAA, BSEE, EPA (invited)

Day Two (October 17)

Evolving and Embracing New Technologies to Improve Performance and Vessel Efficiencies

Moderator: Dustin Varnell, Owner V2 SubSea and U.S. Country Manager, OSBIT

Panelist: Remote Technologies – Ted Lester, Vice President, Certification, REGENT

Panelist: Developing Offshore Wind Space – Kyle Pemberton, SEACOR Marine

Panelist: Subsea Power Cable – Owen Rataj, Business Development Director, Kalypso Offshore Energy

Panelist: National Security Multi-Mission Vessel – Chris Clark, Director of New Construction TOTE Services, LLC

United States Coast Guard

Moderator: Captain Gerard Pannell, Director of Training, STAR Center

Panelist: General Mariner Issues – Mayte Medina, Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing

Panelist: Replacement System (NAVITA) – Charles Bright, Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing

Panelist: Statutory Requirements Related to SASH – Dave Van Nevel, Attorney, Prevention Law

Panelist: Suspension & Revocation – Jason Neubauer, Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis

Popcorn and Chips Panel Review and Discuss Next Steps

Moderator: Robert Sheen, President, Ocean Shipholdings, Inc.

Panelist: Safety and Cybersecurity Challenges – Cole Cosgrove, Crowley

Panelist: Centers of Excellence – MARAD

Panelist: Expand Performance & Retention – Sarah Scherer and John Stauffer

Panelist: Consequences and Impacts of Environmental Regulations – Jan Hagen Anderson

Panelist: Evolving and Embracing New Technologies – Dustin Varnell

Panelist: Regulatory Preparation – Captain Gerard Pannell


SOCP will be building on thirty years of collaboration and innovation experience to explore and discuss new and upcoming innovative technologies affecting vessel operations, including how these will impact, positively or negatively, mariners and mariner availability and inform decision making by both the industry and the regulators.


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