The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) COVID-19 Working Group (C-19 WG) is hosting this virtual Industry Listening Session to directly hear from all segments of the maritime industry regarding issues and impacts on maritime operations and the workforce resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The C-19 WG invites maritime industry stakeholders to articulate their current unresolved concerns and any recommendations for further action by the C-19 federal interagency working group to address ongoing industry challenges.
The C-19 WG serves as the CMTS forum for facilitating high-level interagency discussion, communication, and actions in support of the MTS under and after COVID-19. Please refer to https://www.cmts.gov/topics/working_group for the current C-19 WG activities and resources developed for the MTS.
MTS stakeholders who intend to speak at this session are requested to email C19WG@cmts.gov by January 11 so that the C-19 WG can arrange an equitable speaking opportunity for interested speakers from all maritime industry segments and the public.
Please note that this Listening Session is intended for the C-19 WG members to directly hear stakeholder input without engaging in a dialog.
~ To Access the Listening Session ~
To Join: https://usdot.webex.com/join/nuns.jain
Telcon: 404-443-2170; Access Code: 60061206#
Note: Please log-in at the above link 30 minutes in advance to download any plug-ins and test your system’s compatibility with Webex. For more information, please contact C19WG@CMTS.GOV.