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SOCP Issues RFP for SASH Contact Training - AROCEMBARC2023-05

16 May 2023 - The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) seeks an Independent Contractor (IC) with SASH subject matter expertise in Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment (SASH) advocate training to work with SOCP’s Achieving a Respectful Onboard Culture (AROC) Project Team to create a training course for SASH Contact in the Maritime Industry. The training is to be developed to meet the requirements for attaining provisional certification from the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP). The training should use existing modules that are relevant to the requirements and include additional modules to address the specific requirements of the Maritime Industry. The SOCP has developed a course outline of the training topics. See Exhibit A - Statement of Work for more detailed information and context.

The SASH Contact Training Course created by the IC under this Agreement must comply with Annex 1 and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

SOCP requests interested entities to submit their technical and cost proposals electronically by 5:00 p.m. ET, June 09, 2023, to the SOCP Program Administrator at  

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